

General info

Below you can find all available endpoints for this version. When you want to try an endpoint in this page you need to provide your API key in the right top corner of this page before consuming.

Please note that endpoints marked as scheduled are not designed / optimized for real-time calls. Some of these calls can rely on caching objects to increase performance.

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Authentication errors

Authentication errors will be indicated with a HTTP status code 403 Forbidden.


  1. Invalid authentication

    Status: 403

        "Message": "No apikey in header"
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Endpoint errors

All other errors are indicated with the HTTP status code 400 or 401.

The body is always a message with a dictionary of extra info

Validation errors, for example, missing required values, are shown under the key “ModelState” with as value a JSON object with invalid field a list of messages.


  1. Missing required field 'ExpectedDeliveryDate'

    Status: 400 Bad Request


        "Message": "The request is invalid.",
        "ModelState": {
            "ExpectedDeliveryDate": ["The ExpectedDeliveryDate property is required."]
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Contact and support

Any technical questions about integrating with this API can be sent to: support@tritac.com. You can compose these emails in Dutch.

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